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I just found something you might want to look at, you could just spam click. You could try adding some bullet timer to stop that from happening. unless it's intended, because I could see why you would want it that way. :)

Oh yeah just noticed that! Unfortunately I lost the files for the game so it can’t be changed lol.

I like the overall game design, but for a space invaders theme I think the player should be able to move faster

Hm, maybe. I think the current speed is just ok, but maybe the game would be more thrilling with the enemies and player both being faster!

yeah, that's a good idea too

and I probably shouldn't be complaining, I literally only have one game, and its a board game with terrible code

Oof, we all start somewhere!

The thing about it is that it’s my first game but not my first attempt, I have dozens of projects that I tried to make but they were too advanced and I just completely gave on them