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I came back to see if you made any more games, and I thought to revisit your old ones, I found something which you could improve in this one (it isn't that big of an issue though) you could make it so you don't have to wait until the player's settled until you can move again. if you move up, you have to wait a bit until you can move again. (btw, this isn't to be mean, just an improvement)

Oh yeah just noticed it! Its actually pretty annoying.

Very nice little game


A nice fun little game! If you like making games under time constraints, I recommend you join one of the hundreds of game jams on! 

Looking forward to future projects from you :)

Thanks ! It’s rare I get comments on my projects so this was a shock. Also yeah, i’ve been thinking of joining a game jam for a while,maybe I will!

(1 edit)

you really should, your games are great for being made in 2 days

Thank you!